Now even the Feldmarschall wants to fester in the spirit of Halloween, in a rather unholy way...
Apperently, Dr Reinhardt was working on an experiment for a new superweapon, one that could bring the dead back to life as mindless, unquestioning servants. But when word spread around of such weapons, all public traces hinting it's existence was erased, and the entire project was taken underground (literally!). The project, unfortunately, was a success. But fortunately, Dr Reinhardt was killed in the fall of the Odin before the project could be fully realized.
October 31st 1943. The regime was losing a brutal and humiliating war to the RAID gang. The Allies are closing in hard and the fall of the German regime was in sight. Desperate to win the war, Feldmarschall ordered an immediete activation of "Project Plan Z". Countless bodies of slain regime soldiers were bought before the project. And in one hour, the bodies begin re-animating. They did not recall their memories nor do they question their purpose. All they want is to kill, and their master Feldmarshall was more than happy to let the RAID gang be their dinner...
The Camp. The SOE had found out about the project and ordered a full investigation. It was found that the project was fed entirely on gold. And if there is no gold, the project cannot run. Naturally, this became a new job for the RAID gang: steal the regime gold to save the world...
Another zombie Halloween mod, this time for a literal corpse of a game.
Retextures the soldiers to be undead. They're been bought back to life and they want revenge against the RAID gang! How long this project will last is up to you.
Extract to mod_overrides