Hi, this mod is an item pack which currently adds 13 guns, 15 actives and 9 passives for now. It also add a few of those items to the differents Breach shops thanks to SpAPI and his SaveAPI ^^.
Sources: https://github.com/Glaurung4567/GlaurungItemsMod
- Semi Automatic, low damage, fast projectile, clip of 1
- Effect: when the projectile hit an enemy, the owner and the target might switch places if the user isn't near a wall (to prevent the player or the enemy from going out of bounds or getting stuck into a wall completely). Doesn't work on bosses.
- Gives contact damage immunity while held, triggers an explosion at the enemy location before the switch to make the landing less dangerous.
- Synergy with Balloon Gun: the guns are dual wielded.
- Automatic, heal 7 damages on hit, fast projectile, clip of 30
- Effect: heal the target, if it's health was inferior to 75% apply a green glow to him and when he is fully healed, slay him. If the target is a boss, healing him to full health deal 100 damages instead (the 75% threshold doesn't apply here).
Loose Cannon:
- Pseudo Charged, no reload, damage varies (see effect), full charge time of 2 seconds
- Effect: On charging the weapon and releasing the trigger before it's fully charged, fire a grenade projectile which explode on impact. If fully charged, create an explosion centered on the player which deals 1/2 heart of damage and the shot is wasted. The more you approach the full charge, the more powerful the projectile and explosion will be (4 stages: 10% to 30%, 30% to 60%, 60% to 95%, 95% to 100%).
- Semi auto, deal 1 dmg per bullet then 6 after 1 second.
- Fires chains like the chain attack of executioner. The bullets are destroyed when an enemy hit them, the player uses a blank or a short period of time after reloading.
Gunjuring Encyclopedia:
- Semi auto
- Fires random attacks patterns from differents enemies (15 attacks for now). Stay at medium range as some attacks have a fixed range like the cubulon one.
- Synergy with Master Rounds: "Who's da boss now ?", fires attacks patterns from differents bosses too (10 attacks).
The Indecisive :
- Semi Auto/Auto/Burst/Charged in this order (see description)
- Each time the gun is reloaded it's switch of firing mode. Semi auto fire bouncing & piercing projectiles, Auto fires projectiles chained by lightning (like shock rounds), burst fires 3 projectiles and charged fires the Mass Shotgun projectile. The damage of the projectiles changes between each version.
Turtlez Beam :
- Beam
- Fire a big straight piercing beam dealing high damage
Peacemaker Carbine :
- Auto or Charged alt-fire
- Auto rifle, reload on full clip reduce the mag to 1 charged piercing projectile which cost 20 ammo
- Must be bought in the breach to unlock
Swiss Army Rifle :
- Beam/Auto/Semi-auto/Charged at the same time
- Fires a close range beam alongside fast low damage projectiles. Can be tap shooted to fire delayed exploding projectiles or fired long enough to charge a piercing beam.
Linc :
- Semi-auto
- On reload at full mag, reduce the mag size to one and fire a non damaging projectile which mark all enemies nearby when it's destroyed. The normal projectiles will then home in the marked targets, one at a time.
Panda's Hand Cannon :
- Burst
- High damage 2 burst hand with custom sounds.
Shokk :
- Auto
- Firing this gun swallows weak enemies nearby (max health 20) and reloading it make them re-appear within an explosion of energy.
- Synergy with Poyo : "Nom Nom Nom", max health of possible targets increased to 25
Grav Dart Launcher :
- Semi-auto
- Tag targets with non damaging grav darts. When the gun is reloaded, it fires another projectile. When this projectile is destroyed after being shot, all tagged targets are pushed violently toward it's last position. Targets take damage if they collide with something. Some enemies might not be affected.
Berserker's Roar:
Makes all enemies in the room attacks the players or other enemies alternatively. Doesn't work on bosses. -
Howl of the Jammed:
Makes all enemies in the room jammed. Gives +1.5 curse. -
Raise Dead:
Summons friendly companion spents on use during combat which die on room clear or if they take enough damage. -
The enemies stop attacking the player for 5 seconds. Affects bosses. -
Joseph's Last Resort:
Open the doors of the room during combat and gives a speed boost for 7 seconds. -
Allows the user to steal in shops for 5 seconds, or to take the content of a chest and breaking the lock or finally stealing an enemy attack pattern and giving a gun to the player (might not always work if the enemy only has unique attack patterns). Stealing from enemies, shops or rainbow chests during rainbow runs give curse. -
High Priest's Secret Map:
Gives 2 curses. Doesn't use an item slot. Can't be used in combat.
Upon first use, teleport the player to a boss fight with an unused boss from EtG, the Low Priest. If the player defeats him, he can return to it's initial position by using it again.
This item is a variant of the N'Kuhana's Invitation custom item from Hunter's mod, go check it out if you want, it has some really unique items ^^.
If you have some difficulties beating the boss, ask yourself what is the name used in the console to summon the low priest and what it can be a reference to (if you know, don't spoil pls). -
Blinkback Device:
On first use, creates after images behind the user, on second use teleport him to his previous position from 2 seconds ago approximatly, resetting his armor and health from this instant too. -
Mine Crafter :
On first use, spawns a rolling tnt barrel next to the player. On the second use, if the barrel is not destroyed, blew it up. The explosion doesn't harm the user. -
Create Trap :
Spawns a spike trap near the user which is triggered by enemies, flying or not. Doesn't affect the player. -
Poyo :
Eat an enemy near the user and give a temporary passive item loosely linked to the eaten target (do not works on the weakest enemies like bullats or bullet kins). This passive is destroyed if the player take damage, drop the poyo or eat another enemy. -
Prismatic Field :
Creates an aura around the user which last 10 seconds. It changes of color each 2 seconds and apply a different harmful effect to nearby targets while also damaging them (fire, poison, charm, freeze, petrify, stun, high aura damage and teleport). -
Gunzerking potion :
The user can dual wield 2 guns temporarely. End prematurely if the user switch guns. -
Turn() :
On first use, give the USB Gun (3 charges states), stop the enemies and record the actions of the user, filling the cooldown bar until it's full. On reuse, replay the recorded actions. Enemies and player are invulnerable during record. Doesn't support multiplayer yet. -
Infiltrator Rounds :
Spawn a slow enemy projectile which doesn't collide with the player and is affected by bullets modifiers. -
Mind Blown :
Spawn a slow blank effect. Make the user immobile for 2 seconds. -
Room Teller :
For modders, on use show the name of the room the user is currently in and refill actives.
Box Glasses:
Like the Scouter, but on hit shows the hit box of the enemy. -
Kill Streak Bullets:
Shows the number of kills the player got in the 5 last seconds, gives various temporary boosts if the counter get high enough. Amsp works with beam weapons. -
Banishing Bullets:
On bullet hit, has a small chance to create a portal under the target feets which slays them instantly. Doesn't work on bosses. If the player is in Bullet Hell, gives 33% damage increase instead. -
Ozzie Helm:
15% chance to prevent damage, but gives -2 coolness, decreases accuracy by 30% and affect dodgerolls. -
Ammolet of Wonder:
Triggers a random effect on blank effect, ranging from changing the color of enemies to teleporting the player to the previous room or setting all enemies on fire. -
Sapping Bullets :
On hit, removes nemy effects immunities and make flying enemies affected by goops and pits. Bosses still ignore pits and stun. -
Matriochk Ammolet :
Give 1 more blank per floor. Has a chance to trigger extra blank or mini blank when a blank effect is used. This item doesn't trigger itself. -
Nu Arcana :
On bullet hit has a chance to reduce the target health to 1. Doesn't work on bosses obviously. -
Turncoat rounds :
After the user hit the enemy with his gun, projectiles fired by enemies have a small chance to turn in their face and damage them.
Modifications to the base game:
Added El Tigre, Wristbow, Super Space Turtle's Gun and Hidden Compartment from the base game to the loot pool, as well as adding 3 synergies to base game items :
- a synergy for the secret interaction between the cog of battle and the klobbe
- a synergy between Super Space Turtle's Gun and Super Space Turtle, changing the form of Super Space Turtle's Gun
- one between Chamber Gun, Cartographer's Ring and Brick of Cash which let the player cycle between all the forms of the chamber gun when reloading a full clip, except the bullet hell form which is too strong.
Special thanks to:
- Some Bunny for all the amazing sprites and the help on the code. You can check his own mod here: https://modworkshop.net/mod/28047.
- Batsy from the Gungeon Discord for testing some items and pointing out some minor bugs.
- reaperfour from the Gungeon Discord for making the item tips json file of this mod.
- Spapi, Skilotar_, Kyle, Nevernamed, Zatherz, the explosive panda, Kyle and others from the Gungeon Discord server for helping me figuring how to make some parts of the code works.
Feel free to report any bug you find.