the best character ever made
kyle's custom character is required and how to install characters is on that mod page
stats: Accuracy: 0 AdditionalBlanksPerFloor: 10 AdditionalClipCapacityMultiplier: 10 AdditionalGunCapacity: 10 AdditionalItemCapacity: 10 AdditionalShotBounces: 10 AdditionalShotPiercing: 10 AmmoCapacityMultiplier: 10 ChargeAmountMultiplier: 10 Coolness: 1000 Curse: -10000 Damage: 10000 DamageToBosses: 10000 DodgeRollDamage: 1000 DodgeRollDistanceMultiplier: 1 DodgeRollSpeedMultiplier: 2 EnemyProjectileSpeedMultiplier: 0.5 ExtremeShadowBulletChance: 1000 GlobalPriceMultiplier: Health: 5 KnockbackMultiplier: 2 MoneyMultiplierFromEnemies: 10 MovementSpeed: 8 PlayerBulletScale: 2 ProjectileSpeed: 2 RangeMultiplier: 20 RateOfFire: 100 ReloadSpeed: 0.1 ShadowBulletChance: 100 TarnisherClipCapacityMultiplier: 1 ThrownGunDamage: 1000
items: Gunther Akey47 (infinite) Makeshift Cannon (infinite)
Wax Wings Live Ammo Lichs Eye Bullets Gungeon Blueprint Seven Leaf Clover Blank Bullets Clone
Bracket Key Elder Blank