Democracy Noita
Democracy noita is a twitch integration mod for the game Noita, it doesn't use a node.js server like my old twitch integration mod.
Instead it uses Pollnet which is made by probable-basilisk or Pyry.
A huge amount of thanks to him and the rest of the Noita modding community.
You can join the Noita discord using this link:
If there are any issues, feel free to message me on discord, My discord is Evaisa#0001
It adds/has support for:
- Channel point rewards
- Random event votes
- Loadout votes (which requires goki's things, thanks goki <3)
- Sub rewards
- Run modifier votes
- Perk votes
First download the latest version on the releases page:
Extract the zip in your Noita mods folder which is located in your noita installation folder.
( In case of steam that would be "steamapps\common\Noita\mods" )
Now open the "democracy_noita" folder which should now be in your mods folder.
Then open the config folder, this is where all the config files for the mod are located.
Content of the files is a follows:
- config.lua
This file includes all the main settings of the mod.
In this file you need to set "twitch-channel" to your twitch channel for the integration to work. - rewards.lua
This file lets you set up channel point rewards and sub rewards using Lua tables.
It has some premade rewards which can easily be setup, all you need to do is change the "reward_id" value to the id of your channel point reward.
This ID can be found using a option in the config which prints it to the logger when it gets redeemed on twitch.
This does require you to use either the dev exe or install the Enable Logger mod.
You can add as many new rewards to the table as you want as long as they have the same layout.
This also goes for the Sub Rewards table, you can remove the sub reward that is already there or add more and it will randomly pick one when someone subscribes. - events.lua
This file lets you disable and enable any of the implemented events, if you add more events it will automatically add a new option to the file when you launch the game. - artifacts.lua
This file lets you disable and enable any of the implemented run modifiers, if you add more run modifiers it will automatically add a new option to the file when you launch the game.
To let chat vote for your loadouts you have to install goki's things.
Make sure to disable loadouts in goki's things, individual loadouts can be enabled and disabled inside of goki's config menu.
For developers
The code for this is very messy as it went from more of a prototype playground to the full thing over the past week so I never really cleaned any of it up.
However adding new events is rather simple, the events are located in "democracy_noita/files/events" and you can just add a new file to that folder which follows the same layout as the other files. The same goes for artifacts.