Useless Perks is a collection of detrimental perks that make the game more.... "fun". As you reach each holy mountain a random useless perk is forced upon you, with often disastrous effects. You'll also begin each run with one random useless perk so that your whole run will be "fun" from start to likely-premature finish.
Including such amazing perks as:
Bleed Lava
Bleed Bombs
All Shuffle
High Gravity
Boomerang Perk 2: Boomerang Harder
Unreliable Controls
Endless Vomit
Mystery Blood
Electricity Perk But Without Electric Immunity
And many more!
Also includes an option menu to customize your levels of 'fun'. Turn features off, or even double, or triple, their effects.
Open your inventory and click on (OPEN Useless Perk Options). If your perks or wands obscure the menu, you can close your inventory after opening and the menu will stay on your screen until you close it.
There are over 40 useless perks in total, 11 of which will spawn in holy mountains like normal perks.
How far into the depths can you travel while being screwed over by your own perks at every step? Will your own perks kill you? Probably yes.
This is in no way a serious mod, I made this because I thought it would be funny to have a perk that made you bleed lava but didn't give you immunity to lava and then I just kept getting more ideas for awful perks, so it grew into a proper mod. Some of the combinations of useless perks you can get WILL make the game next to impossible as they can create insane feedback loops that can kill you without a chance.
Remember, it's just for fun!
This mod should be fully compatable with other mods, as it doesn't over-write any files. That said, the useless perks are given to the player based on their depth, so with mods that edit biomes or the game map, it could make those depths not line up with the holy mountain.
If anything seems to not be working right, leave a comment!