*You think that swimsuits and CPU-Goddess skin are not enough daring or revealing?
Are you think Nepgear would have looked one's best in lace lingerie sexshop set?
Or you want that Nepgear looks red hair crimson in red lingerie?
Re;Birth2 Perfect Lingerie Skin Mod is here to make those desires real!*
- All screenshots below are censorship variants of skins.
At mod installation menu you can disable and enable censorship.
Censorship will affect textures behined some transparent panties and bra. - I can make grid or solid stockings for every skin. But to reduce numbers of skin variants, grid stockings is available only in lace and red set.
Nepgear skins.
There are 3 variants of Nepgear's Lilac CPU skins.
I did not provide comparsion with default, but i'm sure as is easy to see.
'Belts' style lingerie CPU skin is my first attempt make more daring Lilac mk3 variant. I was offended when first saw a closed white Lilac mk3 after more nice 'irish-heart style' default mk2.
'Belts' skin can be Lilac mk1, mk2, mk3.
Red 'crimison style' skin. This skin raplace hair, wings and somthing other CPU devices like arms and etc. It is the only one that affects such a large ammount of textures.
Any Red bra set can be Lilac mk2 and mk3 only. Because mk1 wings textures have different poligons.
Red 'crimison style' with solid nylon stockings.
Lace syle.
Can be Lilac mk1, mk2, mk3. -
Swimsuits skins
Swimsuit retexture for every sister.
I think everyone will agree that standard swimwear has ridiculous textures, too wide straps, that is, they would not have been dressed by any perfectly ordinary girl in real.
Aviable comparsion with default (left) and mod retexture (right).
CPU-Goddess skins for other sisters.
One variant for every is sister.
Rom and Ram have a big black circle on their chest. This not texture but 3d poligons on model and i can't remove it.
Installation instructions
There are 2 variants: auto installator exe (recommendation) and manual.
Auto installator exe notice:
- It easy get steam path from win register, that is, you only need choice skin variants, installator determine game path auto
- If you 'Arfoire supporter' and do not have a steam copy of Re;Birth2 then installator has option to auto search of game path in all disk drivers.
- It will not create any 'garbage' in win register.
- It will not create any 'garbage' in uninstall win menu.
- It will not create any 'garbage' like uninstall.log or etc.
- It will create only main installator exe in game directory to change skin type option or uninstall.
Installator direct download link: https://gofile.io/d/JwqJ8f
Other mirrors aviable bottom of page.
Short instruction
Just run 'Re;Birth2CPULingerie.exe'choice skin type and finish.
Enable or Disable startmenu, desktop links creation.
Uninstall: run 'change install' option from startmenu/desktop link or directly from game folder, then you can uninstall mod or change skin type.
Detail instructions
- Run 'Re;Birth2CPULingerie.exe'
You will see game unpacking menu.
On slow PC there may be a pause before unpacking menu will show up. - Read welcome and licence pages, click next.
- You will see a skin selection page. You must choose at least one type to continue installation.
3.1. If installator will not find steam path in windows register you will see check box to enable 'recursive search' dialog. Tested: on system with 6 HDD it found Re;Birth2 path for 90 seconds.
3.2. If you run 'change install' after mod installed or if installator detects that it is already installed you will see uninstall option.
3.3. You will see installation progress menu.
In most cases mod will sucess installed.
- MOD uses 'Neptools injection DLL' it make aviable game to load external textures or translated text.
Another mod's too using it, for example 'Re;birth 2 Retranslation patch'. That is Retranslation patch full compatible with Perfect lingerie mod. - Installator will auto update old version Neptools DLL to included.
- It will ask to replace it if you have another 'dinput8.dll' not Neptools.
If you have another 'dinput8.dll' not Neptools and don't want to replace it you can run Neptools by launch custom Neptools exe, look official Neptools page: - https://github.com/u3shit/neptools
Manual installation
Direct download link: https://gofile.io/d/3U1eMV
Other mirrors aviable bottom of page.
- Unpack zip to game directory.
After unpacking folder "Neptools" and file "dinput8.dll" must be located in the game root directory.
Another word's: game EXE file (NeptuniaReBirth2.exe) and Folder "Neptools"; file "dinput8.dll" must be located in same directory.
Example for full pathes:
"c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\Neptunia Rebirth2\NeptuniaReBirth2.exe"
"c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\Neptunia Rebirth2\dinput8.dll"
"c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\Neptunia Rebirth2\Neptools"
If 'c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\Neptunia Rebirth2' - full path of Re;Birth2 steam installation.
If you full game paths contain ';' character like
'z:\my Arfoire games\re;Birth2'
You need create folder Birth2 and copy to it dinput8.dll!
<game root>\Birth2\dinput8.dll
- In <game root>\Neptools\data\GAME2 you will see custom variants of skins.
In every directory like 'beltlacegridcen' you will see screenshot.
To change skin type:
a. Run <game root>\Neptools\del_for_change_type.bat
This will only erase models dir for Perfect lingerie skins! Other stuff safe.
b. In <game root>\Neptools dir: Copy 'beltlacegridcen' or other to 'model'
By default models is beltlacegridcen(models is copy of beltlacegridcen). This mean Nepgear Lilac mk1 is 'belt' skin, mk2 is 'lace', mk3 'red' grid stockings.
'Model' folder is using by game. Folders 'beltlacegridcen' and other not using by game, its only for you option change skin type.
You can rename folders <game root>\Neptools\data\GAME2\model\chara\309\texture\001 to switch skins Lilac mk1 and mk2 and create you own skin variant for example make all Lilac skins is Lace or etc.
309 - Nepgear
310 - Uni
311 - Rom
312 - Ram
<game root>\Neptools\data\GAME2\model\processor\093\001 - red wings if 'Red bra' is Lilac mk2
<game root>\Neptools\data\GAME2\model\processor\093\002 - red wings if 'Red bra' is Lilac mk3
Notice: Red bra skin can't be Lilac mk1 because polygons of wings is other.
3. Custom screenshots
Links of Screenshots, exe installator and manual zip aviable here
Source of installator and textures aviable soon.