Prismatism, formerly Blazeykat's Garbage Item Pack, is a mod which is going to get its description rewritten soon™. To sum it all up, this mod adds a whole bunch of new items (both active and passive) and guns, some of which also have synergies.
"It cured my cancer" - Barack Obama
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Please note I'm working on a Google Docs containing my items, their synergies, their effects, and more. A lot of the current information may be outdated.
Junk Synthesizer: (Passive) C tier. Enemies have a chance to drop Junk. Includes Gold Junk and Junkan.
Slightly Larger Bullets: (Passive) C tier. Slightly increases damage and bullet size.
Petrifying Mirror: (Passive) B tier. Has a chance to petrify enemies upon damaging them.
- Petrification slows enemies down by 80%.
- Mirror Cannon - With Glass Cannon, petrification is guarenteed and also works on bosses.
Jeremy the Blobulon: (Passive) B tier. Shoots a homing skull on kill.
Sapling Bullets: (Passive) B tier. Upon firing, adds a chance to fire leaves.
Stick-on RPG: (Passive) B tier. Shoots a homing rocket on reload.
Bronze Key: (Passive) B tier. Enemies you kill have a chance to spawn key bullet kin.
- keysight: With Yellow Chamber, spawned keybullet kins are guaranteed to be jammed.
Cat Snack: (Passive) B tier. Upon firing, has a chance to make the projectile shoot out 4 fish on hitting an enemy or projectile dustrection.
- Cat Snack (Excluded): (Passive) Old version of cat snack. Can only be gained via console.
- fish: With Barrel, increases both of said chances.
Low Priest's Cloak: (Passive) S Tier. Killing an enemy spawns a knife which circles the player. Getting another kill or reloading throws the knife wherever you're aiming. If you get multiple kills before reloading, you get a knife for every kill, including the kill which triggered the knives, upon getting a knife. Reloading resets the kill count.
Gasoline: (Passive) A tier. Enemies spawn a pool of fire on death. Grants fire resistance.
Mimic Skin Cape: (Passive) A tier. Mimics drop double items. Increases Curse by 3.
Warrior's Syringe: (Passive) A tier. Increase rate of fire, accuracy and charge speed.
Magic Vulture Feather: (Passive) S tier. Has a chance to spawn a random item upon room clear.
Hooded Shells: (Passive) A tier. Increases damage against enemies with higher max hp.
Execution Shells: (Passive) A tier. Increases damage against enemies with higher hp.
Iron Bullets: (Passive) A tier. Increases damage against enemies with less hp.
Stack of Cash: (Passive) S tier. Gives a 20% chance for the effect of the Y.V. shrine to activate on firing a gun, causing it to quickly fire 2 to 4 times at no extra ammo cost.
Trick O' Treater: (Passive) S tier. Enemies have a chance to drop candies.
- Candy types are Red, Gray, Green, Blue and Gold. They each represent a common pickup item.
- Monster Candy: With Monster Blood, all candy types are replaced with Monster Candy.
- Monster Candy increases damage by 10% for every use.
- Nevernamed was responsible for this idea, thank him.
Wyrm's Poison: (Passive) S tier. Enemies you damage get the weakened effect.
- Weakened effect is from the Red Hood synergy. Removes 30% of enemies' health.
Enchanted Book: (Active) A tier. Gives you three permenant buffs upon use.
Bee Gun: (Gun) B tier. 250 ammo. 100 clip. Shoots bees.
- Mainly a test gun.
Rusty Cog: (Passive) A tier. Increases damage for every shield you have.
- Only counts armor above 6 if you're playing robot.
Molten Blood: (Passive) C tier. Spawns a pool of fire, when you're damaged.
Blurple Guon Stone: (Passive) C tier. Gives extended invincibility when you're damaged.
Cool Ammo: (Passive) A tier. Slowly gives you ammo while in combat.
Lucky Horseshoe: (Passive) B tier. Enemies have a rare chance to drop either spread ammo or hearts.
Garbage Bin: (Active) D tier. Spawns 3 junk.
Toxic Fungus: (Passive) C tier. Poisons enemies near you whilst standing still.
Luckful Coin: (Passive) A tier. Has a chance to spawn casings upon damaging enemies.
Crown of Blood: (Passive) Excluded. More enemies. Become stronger.
Plague Bullets: (Passive) B tier. Has a chance to spawn a bouncing plague bullet on fire.
Maiden Plating: (Passive) A tier. Shoots 8 homing lead maiden projectiles on damage.
Medal of Bravery: (Passive) B tier. Increases damage for each enemy you're fighting.
Raider's Axe: (Passive) B tier. Increases damage by 0.0005 for every enemy killed.
Bullet Synthesizer: (Passive) B tier. Spawns bullets upon rolling over enemy bullets.
Stone Sword: (Passive) B tier. Inflicts the wither status effect on enemies upon hit.
Stone Ammolet: (Passive) B tier. Inflicts the wither status effect on enemies upon using a blank.
Thunder Rounds: (Passive) A tier. Spawns arcing lightning from bullets in air.
Electric Shells: (Passive) B tier. Spawns arcing lightning on hit.
Toxic Honeycomb: (Passive) C tier. Spawns toxic bees upon damage.
Bulletrangs: (Passive) D tier. Bullets go backwards, increase in damage.
Ghoullets: (Passive) D tier. Bullets pierce through internal walls.
Oily Greaves: (Passive) D tier. Spawns a pool of oil upon finishing a roll, gives fire immunity.
Calamity Box: (Active) B tier. Spawns a rainbow chest if you have 9 curse. Consumable.
Candy Bag: (Passive) A tier. Spawns alot of candies, and a chest, containing 4 A tiers, 4 S tiers and the LOTJ.
S'more: (Passive) D tier. Doubles Damage against flamming enemies.
Shady Key: (Passive) B tier. Doubles all keys picked up.
Shady Blank: (Passive) C tier. Doubles all blanks picked up.
Cursed Candle: (Passive) B tier. Periodically spawns pools of fire whilst in combat. Gives fire immunity.
Deadly Charm: (Passive) B tier. Blows up 3 enemies on damage taken.
Mythril Bullets: (Passive) S tier. Increases damage and boss damage by alot.
Shoddy Lighter: (Passive) B tier. Any enemies close to an enemy who was killed by the player gets set on fire.
Bug Reports
If you have any bug reports, or just general issues, i highly recommend reporting it via the #modding channel of the enter the gungeon discord, found at
Other notes:
- The item prefix for this mod is "psm:", any version before 0.1.5 uses "ratmod:"
- Items that are based on RNG are affected by coolness. The formula is usually: Chance = 0.98 - (coolness / 100).
- If you want the source code for this epic mod, its located at I currently have no idea how github works, so if something breaks, don't sue me.
- Thanks to TankTheta for doing the sprites for the Lucky Horseshoe, Some Bunny for making the lightning sprites, and to SpecialAPI and The Exploding Panda for helping with some very complicated items! Additionaly, thanks to Nevernamed and Cel for "letting me borrow" their code.
- Critique is very helpful, especially regarding sprites and balance. Feel free to post them in the comments.