【介绍】这个是少女前线+彩虹六号 MOD,里面包含8个人物的模型+语音包,以及彩虹六号的动态主菜单,图标,载入界面,第四版枪械MOD
[introduction] This is [Girls Frontline + Rainbow Six] MOD , It contains 8 models of human characters + voice package, as well as the dynamic main menu of Rainbow Six, icons, loading interface,new gun MOD v4
我的STEAM ID 是月悠红茶,QQ是2426329055,有更多问题的,可以来找我。也可以来加群628854206(这个是求生2少前MOD玩家联机群)
My STEAM ID is 月悠红茶, QQ is 2426329055. If you have more questions, you can come to me.