Adds many new wands including firearms, special launchers, game, movie and pop culture references, lightsabers and more. Also adds different machines the player can interact with, and also many different pickup items with varied effects.
Any feedback is appreciated. If you have suggestions regarding the mod's behavior, current or new wands, current or new spells, etc, I'm all ears.
The full documentation, that describes everything contained in the mod and includes instructions on how to use the config file, and also containing the full changelog of the mod ever since version 1.0, can be read in the following site:
Incompatibility issues
This mod includes additional spawning points in the world to allow for chests, machines and traps to spawn without interefering with the vanilla spawning system by editing wang mapping files, and because it relies heavily on these new spawn points it is imcompatible with mods that also edit those files. This means chests, machines and traps may not spawn if you combine The Armory mod with others like that, depending on your load order.
It also modifies two key files from the vanilla game, the base file for enemies to add special pickup drop rewards, and the base file for the player, in order to add new harmful materials to the list of materials that damage the player, therefore combining The Armoru with any mod that also happen to modify those base files may lead to problems such as enemies not dropping anything or the player being immune to harmful materials added by this mod.
15.0 - General Content Update | 22/03/2021
Fixes and Improvements
- Passive shield trinkets could potentially cause performance issues if many melee weapons were owned by the player at the same time, this has been fixed.
- The loot system has been modified in a way enemies no longer drop pickup items on death, they instead drop a small lootpack, from which you obtain loot like hearts, ammo, portal spawners and utility pickups. The new lootpack container is also indestructible by either materials, projectiles or explosions, and will only reveal its contents when interacted with. This was done to reduce the amount of objects that might spawn at the same time when an enemy is killed.
- A new chest type was added, the rainbow chest, which has always four guaranteed drops, which may vary among regular tiered weapons, boss reward weapons and trinkets. You may find it rarely at the gambling room layout, or as a random chest in the entrance of the mines.
- Shrapnel projectiles released by spells will no longer harm the player, but if they are shot by traps, they will still be deadly (also buffed its speed a bit)
New Contents
- Added new wands and spells
- Added new materials and status effects
- Added new regular enemies
- Added new containers
Video showcase