You can Buy me a Coffee at: https://ko-fi.com/hornedkey .Thanks in Advance!
This mod enables many New creatures to the game:
(It Makes the game a bit harder)
Note all orb rooms and essence rooms have bosses if they are enabled, and the bosses' health scales with the orbs taken.
Some Boss fights enclose you inside the fight, so you can't escape before you defeat the boss!
You can toggle Enemies and Bosses on and off from the Gui menu button named "[NE]"
You can toggle the GUI, along with custom scenes on and off from the mod settings.
You can enabled "Easier Mode" in the mod settings. This basically removes bullshit enemies and harder enemies such as big creatures and mini bosses from spawning and reduces the custom enemy hp scaling with depth.
Below you can find the full description of the creatures added, but there's also a wiki which describes the creature mechanics in more detail: https://noita-mods.fandom.com/wiki/New_Enemies_And_Bosses_Mod
This mod is compatible with Conjurer Mod on steam workshop, so you can spawn all creatures in a sand box environment!
This mod is compatible with Nemesis Mod by Soler, so you can send new enemies to your opponents!
You can download this mod on steam workshop https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1985600131&searchtext=
Big Thanks to Horscht for sticking around and helping me in programming!
And Big thanks to Cerin for noticing and fixing several issues with the mod, making it a better version of itself overall!
And thanks to Siris for giving boss attack and phase design ideas for many of the renewed orb room bosses!
Mwyah Boss: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Orb Room at the center of Hell!
Hydra Boss: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Orb Room in the sand caves!
Sarlacc: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Orb Room at the Lukki Lair!
Infernal Colossus:
Massive passive creature which can be found in hell!
Wraith Boss: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Essence Room In Hell!
The Sanctuary: [Disabled by default] (Uses some assets from Pickled Sosig and a small reference to ESA)
Which can be found in the orb room at the bottom of the Wizards' Den!
Sky Monster Boss: (thanks to yogurt for the fire breathing) [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Essence Of Air Room, in Cloudscape!
A very rare creature which can spawn in the Lake!
Avian Giant:
Massive creature which can be found in the snowy chasm or snowy depths!
Morsa: (Inspired by rainworld Leviathan) (Thanks a lot to Thatrius for his verlet knowledge!)
Massive creature with metal jaws that can rarely spawn in the lake!
Khulu Mini Boss:
Which may be found in the Temple of the Art, Hell or Sky!
Medusa Mini Boss: [Thanks to Horscht for help with verlets]
Which may be found in the Hell or Sky!
Which may be found in the Jungle.
Lempo: [God of Love and Evil, Idea from Finnish Folklore, Non-animated artwork was done by OpossuMachine (This is a tribute to his work)]
Which can be found in the Temple of the Art!
Terminator Mini Boss:
Which may be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault and Power Plant!
Hiisi Airship Boss:
Which may be found in the ocarina altar to the top right of cloud scape above the lake.
I160: [Vault Orb Boss] [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Orb Room at the Bottom of the Frozen Vault!
Rock Spirit Colossus Boss: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Orb Room at the Bottom of the Snowy chasm!
Yikka: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the orb room to the left of the Magical Temple!
Which can be found in the Sand Caves!
Desert Sand Sorcerer (Eldirood): [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Orb room at the top of the Pyramid!
Stone Golem Boss: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the Essence Room at the right of the Desert!
Cerebracle Mini Boss:
Which may be found in the Magical Temple!
Vulcan: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in the orb room under the Lava Lake!
Phoenix: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found to the right of the mines lava lake in the Orb Room!
God Warrior / Sky Deity / Perkele: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in proximity to the Moon!
Abyssum: [Disabled by default]
Which can be found in proximity to the Dark Moon!
Secret Boss: [Disabled by default]
Hint: Go to the Lake!
Desert Skull Boss:
Hint: Eggs!
Sea Monster: [Disabled by default]
Go to the Bottom of the Lake!
Nemesis: [Plague skin made by Ryyst] [Has a variant in Temple of the Art drawn by Darthzz!]
Which can be found in Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits, Snowy Depths and Vault!
Mother Slime: [Static Artwork and several design ideas by Spoopy!]
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits, Fungal Caverns and in the Pyramid! (pretty rare spawn)
Skull Abomination: [Inspired by abandoned ESA2 development!]
Which can be found in the Temple of the Art and in the Pyramid!
Restless Phantom: [Inspired from ESA]
Which can be found in Temple Of The Art and in the Pyramid!
Hurpa: A freaky ghost with fingers
Which can be found in Temple Of The Art and in the Pyramid, Can also spawn in magical temple or snow chasm and rarely in snowy depths or lukki lair!
Dragutt Kiesah: Mini boss
Which can be found in the Snowy Depths!
Skull Spider:
Which can be found in the lukki lair and Temple of the Art!
Which can be found in the Jungle!
Scarab Beetle:
Which can be found in the Jungle and Pyramid!
Dark Ghost:
Which can be found in Hell, the Sky and in the Pyramid!
Junk Bot:
Which can be found in the Vault and Frozen Vault!
Cargo Bot:
Which can be found in the Vault and Frozen Vault!
Underground Train:
Which can be found in the Vault!
Hell Menhir:
Which can be found in Hell!
Void Skull: [Made By PIckled Sosig]
Which can be found in Temple of the Art and Hell!
Valkyrie: [Made By PIckled Sosig]
Which can be found in the Sky!
Twin Mage:
One twin is a master of cloning, which clones other creatures with his shot
The other twin is the brute twin, which protects the cloner twin by dealing damage with his death cross
Which may be found in Vault, Temple of the Art, Magical Temple and Wizards' Den!
Mage Of Madness:
This mage will force the creatures it hits to spasm making controls harder, and it will produce hallucinations of scary creatures.
If your mouse is near a hallucination, mina will try to shoot at them!
Which may be found in Vault, Temple of the Art, Magical Temple and Wizards' Den!
Master Of Shrinking: (A colossal task achieved with infinite's library and help from Thatrius)
This Fairy can cause creatures hit including the player to be shrunken down! They restore their size after the effect wears off.
Which may be found in Vault, Temple of the Art, Magical Temple and Pyramid!
Giant Stendari:
Which can be found in Hell, the Vault and in the Temple of the Art!
Giant Eldari:
Which can be found in Hell, the Vault and in the Temple of the Art!
Giant Ice Mage:
Which can be found in Snowy Depths, the Frozen Vault and in the Snow Chasm!
Forgotten Alchemist:
Which can be found in the Abandoned Alchemy Lab and in the Temple of the Art!
Corrupt Alchemist:
Which can be found in the Abandoned Alchemy Lab, Vault and in the Temple of the Art!
Potion Master: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which can be found in the Abandoned Alchemy Lab and the Temple of the Art!
Wand Master: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which can be found in the Abandoned Alchemy Lab and the Temple of the Art!
Fallen Alchemist:
Which can be found in the Abandoned Alchemy Lab, Mines and Collapsed Mines!
Failed Abomination (Minabomination):
Which can be found in the Abandoned Alchemy Lab!
Cyborg Hiisi:
Which can be found in the Hiisi Base and Vault!
Vollux: [An entity made of Reflective mirror spheres. Done with a lot of help from Thatrius and some tips from Horscht and Evaisa!]
Which may be found in Temple of the Art, Magical Temple and Pyramid!
Necromancer Gazer:
Which can be found in Temple of the Art, Hell, the Sky and in the Magical Temple!
Orro Worm:
Which can be found in Temple of the Art, Hell and the Sky!
Worm Tank:
Which can be found in the Vault and Frozen Vault!
Giant Zombie:
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art!
Which can be found In Hell!
Which can be found In Hell!
Creeper: [Reskinned By Spoopy!]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art, in Hell and in the Sky!
Which can be found in the Pyramid, in Hell and in the Sky!
Hell Moth:
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art, in the Pyramid, in Hell and in the Sky!
Lesser Blood Mage: [Non-Animated Artwork Done by WindWoker!!!] https://uncreativeartgoblin.newgrounds.com/
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art And In Wizards' Den!
Greater Blood Mage: [Non-Animated Artwork Done by WindWoker!!!] https://uncreativeartgoblin.newgrounds.com/
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art And In Wizards' Den!
Which can be found in the Coal Pits or Snowy Depths!
Speed Wraith: [With some help from Cerin!]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art!
Void Wraith: [Design by Pickled Sosig]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art and Hell!
Eradicator Droid:
Which can be found in the Power plant, Vault and Frozen Vault!
Bazooka Mech: (artwork based on Irkalla https://twitter.com/IrkallaGame)
Which can be found in the Vault!
Electro Bot:
Which can be found in the Vault and Frozen Vault!
Saw Bot:
Which May Be Found in The Vault and Frozen Vault!
Laser Mech: [Half Sprite by Coxas] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035005268/
Which May Be Found in the Frozen Vault, The Hiisi Base and in the Vault!
Flame Tank: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which May Be Found in the Sand Caves and in the Vault!
Tank Boss:
Which May Be Found in the Snowy Depths, Frozen Vault, The Hiisi Base and in the Vault!
Laser Bot:
Which May Be Found in The Hiisi Base, the Vault and Frozen Vault!
Smoke Machine:
Which May Be Found in The Hiisi Base and Fungal Caverns!
This Creature can be found in the Jungle!
Which can be found in the Jungle!
Which can be found in the mines, collapsed mines, coal pits, snowy depths, fungal caverns, magical temple!
Spooky Ghost: [Sprite rework done by Spoopy!]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art!
Water Phantom:
Which may be found in the Pyramid, Magical Temple or the Temple of the Art!
Blood Demon:
Which may be found in the Pyramid, Magical Temple or the Temple of the Art!
Acid Lurker:
Which may be found in the Pyramid, Magical Temple or the Temple of the Art!
Giga Shooter:
Which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault, Magical Temple, Pyramid and Temple of the Art!
Which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault, Magical Temple, Pyramid and Temple of the Art!
Laser Gazer:
Which can be found in the Hell and Sky!
Ghuu: [Inspired by Tonio's Artwork! https://www.instagram.com/tonio.artbaker/?hl=pt-br ]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art!
Nova: [Inspired by Tonio's Artwork! https://www.instagram.com/tonio.artbaker/?hl=pt-br ]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art!
Igu: [Inspired by Powder toy artwork!]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art!
Singularitron: [Static Artwork made by Lebend Tot!] [Check out their amazing artwork at https://www.instagram.com/lebend_tot/]
Which may be found in Vault, Frozen Vault and Temple of the art!
Moal: [Inspired from Tonio's Artwork! https://www.instagram.com/tonio.artbaker/?hl=pt-br ]
Which can be found in the Magical Temple, Pyramid and Temple of the Art!
Vine Monster: [Programming Done By Evaisa!!!]
Which can be found in the Jungle!
Fungal Abomination:
Which can be found in the Jungle and Overgrown Caverns!
Which can be found in the Coal Pits!
Wall Of Flesh:
Which can be found in the Coal Pits, Fungal Caverns and Jungle!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits, Fungal Caverns and Hell!
Icicle Master:
Which can be found in Snowy Depths and Snow Chasm!
GIant Summoner:
Which can be found in Snowy Depths!
Energy Orb Giant:
Which can be found in Snowy Depths!
Ancient Giant:
Which can be found in Snowy Depths!
Frozen Soul:
Which can be found in Snowy Depths!
Which can be found in Snowy Depths!
Flesh Monster:
Which can be found in the Coal Pits, Fungal Caverns, Jungle and Temple Of The Art!
Giant Blue Lukki:
Which can be found in the Jungle, Magical Temple and Temple Of The Art!
Fire Lukki:
Which can be found in the Jungle and Temple Of The Art!
White Lukki:
Which can be found in the Jungle and Temple Of The Art!
Ominous Lukki:
Which can be found in the Lukki Lair!
Rotting Lukki: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which can be found in the Jungle!
Putrid Lukki: [Thanks to Thatrius for the double jointed limbs script!]
Which can be found in the Jungle and lukki lair!
Shiva Mini Boss:
Which can be found in Fungal Caverns and Jungle!
Spore Fungus:
Which can be found in Fungal Caverns, Jungle and Overgrown Caverns!
Rotting Fungus: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which can be found in Fungal Caverns, Jungle and Overgrown Caverns!
Which can be found in Fungal Caverns and Vault!
Chaotic Polymorphine Shooter:
Which can be found in the Vault, Magical Temple, Fungal Caverns, Pyramid and Temple of the Art!
Polymorphine Shooter:
Which can be found in the Vault, Magical Temple, Fungal Caverns, Pyramid and Temple of the Art!
Suspicious Hiisi: [Static Art Work Made by GenEric!] Check him out: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199013813033
These can be found in Hiisi Base and Snowy Depths!
Laser Hiisi:
Which can be found in Hiisi Base and Snowy Depths!
Plasma Gunner:
These are smart gunners, which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault, Sand Cave, Jungle, Hiisi Base and Snowy Depths!
Electrocuter Hiisi: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which can be found in Hiisi Base and Snowy Depths!
Trigger Shot Gunner:
Which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault, Jungle, Sand Cave, Hiisi Base and Snowy Depths!
Commander Hiisi: [Spritework based on Pickled Sosig' work]
Which can be found in the Hiisi Base!
Welder Hiisi:
Which can be found in Coal pits and the Hiisi Base!
Cryogen: [Featuring the first ever gas which goes down instead of up]
Which can be found in Snowy Depths, Frozen vault and the Hiisi Base!
Poison Medic Hiisi:
Which can be found in the Jungle!
Oil Grenade Hiisi:
Which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault, Jungle and Sand Cave!
Radiolava Hiisi:
Which can be found in the Vault and Frozen Vault!
Compressor Hiisi: [Has a Robot Version]
Which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault, Jungle and Sand Cave!
Turbo Hiisi: [Has a Robot Version]
Which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault, Jungle and Sand Cave!
Gas Grenade Hiisi: [Has a Robot Version]
Which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault, Jungle and Sand Cave!
Rocket Hiisi:
Which can be found in the Vault, Frozen Vault and Jungle!
Hiisi King: [Made By Perh!] [Has a Robot Version]
Which can be found in the Hiisi Base, Vault or Frozen Vault!
Alcohol Hiisi:
Which can be found in the Hiisi Base, Jungle, Vault and Sand Cave!
Helicopter Hiisi:
Which can be found in the Cloudscape!
Which can be found in the Vault and Temple Of The Art and the Fungal Caverns!
Which can be found in the Coal Pits, Vault,Temple Of The Art and the Fungal Caverns!
Phantom: [Long Ghost]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art and in the Magical Temple!
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art, Pyramid and Magical Temple!
Trapper Phantom: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which can be found in the Temple Of The Art and in the Pyramid!
Ancient Spider: [Thanks to Horscht for help with the web effect!!!] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198165288511/myworkshopfiles/?appid=881100
Which can be found in the Jungle and in the Fungal Caverns!
Bat Drake: [Design and artwork Kindly made by Spoopy!]
Which may be found in the magical temple, vault and temple of the art!
Shape Shifter:
Which may be found in Magical Temple, Fungal Caverns, Vault, Frozen Vault and Temple Of The Art!
Which may be found in Fungal Caverns, Vault, Frozen Vault and Temple Of The Art!
Lava Tentacler:
Which may be found in Vault, Frozen Vault and Temple Of The Art!
Ground Terror:
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed mines, coal pits, snowy depths, fungal caverns, jungle, vault, frozen vault, pyramid, magical temple and temple of the art!
Oozers [Goo Monsters]
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed, coal pits, snowy depths, fungal caverns and the jungle!
Sleaze Ghoul:
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed, coal pits and fungal caverns!
Podupine: [Thanks to Thatrius for making his back spines stand up!]
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed, coal pits and fungal caverns!
Mutant Blob: [Thanks to Cerin for fixing bugs!!]
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed, coal pits, snowy depths and fungal caverns!
Lava Crawler:
Which may be found in the coal pits!
Stone Crab:
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed, coal pits, snowy depths, fungal caverns and the jungle!
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed, coal pits, snowy depths and fungal caverns!
Slime Pod:
Which may be found in the coal pits and fungal caverns!
Which may be found in the coal pits and fungal caverns!
Suuka: [Static Artwork made by Lebend Tot!] [Check out their amazing artwork at https://www.instagram.com/lebend_tot/]
Which may be found in the coal pits and fungal caverns!
Radioactive Orb: [Actual Radioactivity, no area damage mediocrety]
Which can be found in the Snowy Depths, Hiisi Base, Vault and Frozen Vault!
Bounce Bot:
Which can be found in the Coal Pits and Snowy Depths!
Which can be found in the Coal Pits and Snowy Depths!
Gorgon Acid Stone: [modification from nuke's altars]
Which is very rare in the mines, collapsed mines and coal pits, may spawn in the snowy depths and in the Magical Temple. It is common in the Vault and in the Temple Of The Art!
Static Drone:
Which may be found in the Vault and Frozen Vault!
Swarmer Drone:
Which may be found in the Fungal Caverns, Vault and Frozen Vault!
Inferno Drone:
Which may be found in the Hiisi Base and Vault!
Beam Drone:
Which may be found in the Power Plant!
Frog Bot:
Which may be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits, Fungal Caverns, Snowy Depths, Vault and Frozen Vault!
Ghostling: [Rework Sprite work and idea by Spoopy!]
Which can be found in the Fungal Caverns and the Vault!
Knight: [Idea by WindWoker!]
Which can be found in the Coal Pits!
Eye Monster:
Which can be found in the Fungal Caverns and Coal Pits!
Bewitched Tome:
Which can be found in the Magical Temple and Temple of the Art!
Which can be found in the Pyramid and Temple Of The Art!
Giant Wasps:
Which can be found in the Jungle!
Ice Mage:
Which may be found in the Snowy Depths!
Earth Mage:
Which may be found in the Jungle!
Trip Mage: [Static Art Work Made by Pickled Sosig!]
Which may be found in the Fungal Caverns, Overgrown Caverns and Wizards' Den!
Earthquake Mage: [Static Art Work Made by GenEric!] Check him out: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199013813033
Idea by Cerin!
Which may be found in the Snowy Depths, Temple of the art, Fungal caverns, Magical temple and Vault!
Time Mage: [Big Thanks To Horscht For Programming!] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198165288511/myworkshopfiles/?appid=881100
Which may be found in the Snowy Depths, Temple of the art, Fungal caverns, Magical temple and Vault!
Sochaos: (He can Shoot any projectile!) Idea by Cerin!
Which may be found in Temple of the Art, and Wizards' Den!
Master Of Multitude: (He can Shoot any Wizard Orb!) Idea by Cerin!
Which may be found in Temple of the Art, and Wizards' Den!
Caddel / Blood Teddy: [Mini boss]
Which may be found in Temple of the Art!
Miner Mini Boss:
Which can be found in the Coal Pits!
Lost Soul:
Which can be found in the Coal Pits and Magical Temple!
Giant Lost Soul:
Which can be found in the Magical Temple and Temple of the Art!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and the Snowy Depths!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and the Snowy Depths!
Acid Mage: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which may be found in Fungal Caverns and Coal Pits!
Toxic Mage: [Made By Pickled Sosig]
Which may be found in the Mines and Collapsed Mines!
Skull Mage:
Which may be found in the Mines and Collapsed Mines!
Irtokki: [Love Mage]
Which may be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal pits and Jungle!
Blood Skull: [Made by Doctor Stupid]
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed mines and coal pits!
Earth Skull:
Which may be found in the mines, collapsed mines, coal pits and Jungle!
Electric Skull: [Reskin made by Spoopy!]
Which may be found in the Snowy Depths, Vault and Frozen Vault!
Large Hamis:
Which may be found in the Mines!
Which may be found in the Fungal and Overgrown Caverns!
Large Sporeling:
Which may be found in the Overgrown Caverns!
Medium Sporeling:
Which may be found in Fungal and Overgrown Caverns!
Tiny Sporeling:
Which may be found in the Fungal Caverns and Overgrown Caverns!
Infestant: [Artwork by Spoopy]
Which may be found in Fungal Caverns or Overgrown Caverns!
Massive Firefly: [Artwork by Spoopy]
Which may be found in the Coal Pits!
Ceiling Bloom:
Which may be found in the Jungle!
Ceiling and Land Flowers:
Which may be found in the Jungle!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and Fungal Caverns!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines and Coal Pits!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and Snowy Depths!
Mutant: [Artwork by Pickled Sosig]
Which can be found in the Coal Pits and Fungal Caverns!
Eel Worm:
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and Snowy Depths!
Hazmat: [Idea Inspired by Tasty]
Which can be found in the Mines and Collapsed Mines!
Conduit: [Idea Inspired by Wind Woker!]
Which can be found in the Mines and Collapsed Mines!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and Snowy Depths!
Which can be found in the Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and Hiisi Base!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and Snowy Depths!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and Fungal Caverns!
They may also occur on the Ceiling!
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits and Fungal Caverns!
Desulitor: [Idea by Wind Woker]
Which can be found in the Mines, Collapsed Mines and Coal Pits!
Hybrid: [Idea by GenEric]
Which can be found in the Mines!
Eye Bat:
Which can be found in the Mines!
Which can be found in the Mines and Collapsed Mines!
Which may be found in the Coal Pits, Snowy Depths and Fungal Caverns!
Ceiling Icicles:
Which can be found in the Snowy Depths!
Which can spawn in the Holy Mountain if you kill 6 skoudes and 3 steves!
Whale Monster: [Non-Animated Art Made By Tonio! https://www.instagram.com/tonio.artbaker/?hl=pt-br ]
The Lake is reworked, with several creatures, and a Whale Monster may spawn (it's Very Very Rare!)
Giant Piranha: [Non-Animated Art Made By Tonio! https://www.instagram.com/tonio.artbaker/?hl=pt-br ]
A Piranha may spawn (it's Very Rare!)
May spawn in the Lake
May spawn in the Lake
Angler Eel:
May spawn in the Lake
Electric Eel: (Made by Pickled Sosig)
May spawn in the Lake
May spawn in the Lake
Angler Fish: (Made by Pickled Sosig)
May spawn in the Lake
These are Neutral creatures which may be found in the Snowy Wastelands!
These are Neutral creatures which may be found in the Desert!
These are Neutral creatures which may be found in the grassy hills!
Which can be found at the start of the game!
These are Neutral allies which run away when you shoot them, they may be found on the hills at the starting point!
These are Neutral allies which spawn in Wizards' Den. They light up their surroundings!
Hiisi Civilian:
These are Neutral Allies which spawn in the Hiisi Base!
Check him Out!!! https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198165288511/myworkshopfiles/?appid=881100
Also Thanks to Evaisa For Player Tracking for bosses and enemies As well as A Load of Help In General!!!
Also thanks to Cerin for Bug Fixing and help in general!
Thanks to Thatrius for really cool technology advancements which were were useful for this mod, such as double jointed spider limbs and mirror orb spheres with shaders!