This mod adds to Noita 9 new loadouts which come equipped with customized wands, spells, and perks!
The BOOT, who uses prop physics and melee attacks to devastating effect.
The Bulwark, whose best offense is the enemy's attack.
The Doom, who will purge this land of daemons in the goriest possible way.
The Forceful, who came from far, far away.
The Pandaemonium, whose very presence sows chaos in the land.
The Pissmancer, whose bizarre machinations ways may one day submerge the entirety of the earth.
The Prescient, who is never caught unaware.
The Sneakybeaky? Who's that?
The Vengeful, whose reckless fury burns so brightly to appall even the gods.
Vanilla's Common Noita is also within this line up, and begins with the powerful Edit Wands Everywhere perk!
These loadouts were created with only some regard for balance, and more focus on curtailing play styles with interesting interactions and rare equipment combinations.
You can play with a randomized selection by default, or edit the init.lua file with any source code editor (I use Notepad++) to choose your character.
- Extract all from the zipped folder.
- Click into the shell folder 26084_Kaelos Archetypes_1.0
- Deposit the Kaelos_Archetypes folder into your steamapps/common/Noita/mods directory.
- Enable Kaelos Archetypes in Noita's in-game mod loader.
5? Edit the mod's init.lua to choose your character (by default it is random).
This mod is compatible with other mods that affect your starting perks, but I suggest that you do not use them together.
This mod is currently NOT compatible with other loadout mods!
Known Issues:
The Sneakybeaky will not spawn with the invisibility perk in Nightmare Mode.
The Sneakybeaky cape is vertically offset incorrectly. I know why this is so, but I'm still working on resolving the issue without sacrificing the ever-crouch.
All capes vanish upon entering the first portal (I think this is a vanilla issue).
Physics entities moving at extreme speeds tend to phase through enemies without dealing damage. This is a vanilla issue (but is never actually a problem in vanilla playthroughs). While this issue persists, aiming for ricochets rather than direct hits helps a lot.
What's (Generally) To Come:
more loadouts
more unique spells
wand and spell tweaking & rebalancing
general improvements
What's (Possibly) To Come:
Custom Buffs & Debuffs
Selecting loadouts in game or via config rather than in .lua
BOOT balls