This mod allows you to start the game with (mostly) whatever equipment you wish.
By default this mod will start you off with:
a random potion
a treasure chest
a random non-shuffle grade 6 wand
a random spell
the Extra Perk perk
WAND_X, an extensively customizable wand!
Selecting your equipment is as easy as managing comment tags in this mod's init.lua file (I use notepad++)
Most of the file is already nullified or "commented out", meaning that the lines of code are either:
1. Between the comment paragraph tags
2. Tagged line by line with double hyphens --
You only need concern yourself with the second example.
Within each category you'll find many comment tags which precede filenames or perk effects.
To select your starting gear, simply remove the -- tag that precedes the relevant filename or effect.
To shelve that starting gear, replace the relevant comment tags.
You may spawn as many of each category as you wish, but if you leave a lot uncommented it could get messy...
Customizing WAND_X's spell pool follows the same routine, but includes an array of wand stats as well!
Its LUA file may be found here: mods/start_with_x/files/WAND_X/wand_x_setup.lua
- Extract all from the zipped folder.
- Click into the shell folder 26036_Start With X_1.0
- Deposit the start_with_x folder into your steamapps/common/Noita/mods directory.
- Enable start_with_x in Noita's in-game mod loader.
5? Edit the mod's init.lua to change your starting equipment as you see fit.
NB: When using mods which add or modify any of these categories of equipment, make sure that start_with_x is below them in the mod load order.
This mod relies on a specific file structure to function.
If certain game files are reorganized in the future, parts of this mod may break.