This collection is now on the steam workshop, you should subscribe there instead.
Elemental power spells
This mod adds 2 new elemental spells that are just as powerful and dangerous as the lightning spell. Hooray, more exciting ways to kill yourself and ruin a perfectly good run.
- Magma Blast: A projectile that quickly explodes into a shower of magma.
- Flash Freeze: A projectile that freezes liquids nearby before exploding and freezing everything caught in the blast.
Nuke's spells
This mod is where i throw all the new spells and modifiers i've made that don't fit any other category.
- Gravity Well: Your projectiles pull nearby objects and projectiles towards them.
- Repelling Field: Your projectiles repel nearby objects and projectiles.
- Petrify: A terrifying spell that turns almost everything nearby to stone.
- Chaotic Trail: Projectiles leave a trail of random materials.
- Chaotic Cloud: A strange cloud that rains random liquids.
- Dynamite Bundle: A bomb that explodes and scatters several sticks of dynamite.
Nuke's perks
This mod adds more perks to the game.
- Upgraded Wands: Wands become more powerful in your hands.
- Pheromone Blood: You bleed pheromones and gain 40% melee damage resistance.
- Berserker Blood: You bleed a lot of berserkium and gain 40% slice damage resistance.
- Tremor Step: The earth crumbles beneath your feet.
- Ironskin: You gain 20% physical damage reduction but become vulnerable to electricity.
- Barkskin: You gain 20% physical damage reduction but become vulnerable to fire.
- Acid Transmutation: You convert nearby acid to oil.
- Lava Transmutation: You convert nearby lava to alcohol.
- Alchemical Transmutation: You purify nearby toxins and convert harmful magical liquids to safer magical liquids.
- Repelling Field: An invisible field pushes objects and projectiles away from you.
- Burning Afterimage: You leave a trail of magical flames wherever you go.
- Freezing Afterimage: You leave a trail of freezing magic wherever you go.
- Inferno: You are immune to fire, but you are constantly shrouded in flames.
- Perk Gamble: You gain two random perks.
- Blood Pact: You gain four random perks but your maximum health is halved.
- Perks For Sale: Perks are sometimes available for purchase in shops.
- Sprite Summoning: Mischievous sprites are summoned to fight for you.
- Adaptive Protection: After taking damage, your resistance to that damage type is enhanced by 80% for 5 seconds.
You can toggle individual perks in NUKES_PERKS_CONFIG.lua, open it with Notepad++ or some other text editor.
Fancy jetpack
This mod tweaks the jetpack particles to be affected by airflow. They look cooler.
More altars
This mod adds 4 altars to the first 2 levels. They have a small chance to appear so you won't find them very often.
- Blood Altar: The Gods desire an offering of flesh. This altar drips blood.
- Stone Altar: The Gods desire an offering of stone tablets. This altar emits green sparks.
- Magic Altar: The Gods desire an offering of wands or magic spells. This altar emits purple sparks.
- Corrupted Altar: ???
The wrong offering may offend the Gods.
NOTE: This mod requires the nukes_spells mod from this pack in order to work properly.
More magical stones
This mod adds new magical items to the game and slightly increases your chances of finding them on a pedestal.
- Rimestone: A stone imbued with the elemental power of ice.
- Angelstone: A purifying stone blessed by the Gods.
- Glass Skull: A fragile glass skull with glowing eyes. It looks like it's storing some powerful magic.
- Golden Chakram: An enchanted chakram that bounces around when thrown.
- Warhead: What's the worst that could happen?
- Precursor Vial: A small vial of midas precursor.
- Healing Vial: A small vial of healing elixir.
NOTE: This mod requires the nukes_spells mod from this pack in order to work properly.
Random starter wand
This mod basically just does what daily runs do, except for normal runs. Your wand will have a randomized low-level spell as well as semi-random stats.
Improved first floor wands
This mod increases the variety of spells that wands on the first floor will have. It also introduces a small chance for projectile wands to have a projectile mod (such as double shot, etc).
I tried to keep this mod balanced so that the wands you find aren't too powerful. It just makes the wands a little bit more interesting.
Ice collision fix
This mod makes it easier to get unstuck when you get caught on pixels of ice. If you find yourself encased in ice somehow, you can dig upwards slowly to escape.
Simple invincibility frames
This mod makes the player invincible for a very short time span when they take damage. You can tweak the settings in CONFIG_IFRAMES.lua, open it with Notepad++ or some other text editor.
Improved workshop
This mod changes the logic used in the workshops for spawning items you can buy. It ensures that there will always be 2 or 3 wands you can purchase. The rest of the shop items will be spells.
Peaceful shopping
This mod moves the angry god spawn point to the temple exit so you can buy wands in peace. He will still be pissed off and waiting for you.
Angry god bounty
This mod makes the angry god drop a perk when killed.
Improved procedural wands
This mod gets rid of wands that don't have any projectile spells.