-Add's Yung Venuz and Yung Cuz from Nuclear Throne to the game
-Comes with a reskin of the Budget Revolver to turn it into the Golden Revolver
-To play as them: use these commands
Y.V.: character Y.V.
Cuz: character Y.C.
-Install guide can be found on the Custom Characters Mod page
-Custom characters mod made by Kyle
-This mod started as a reskin mod for the Convict and Cultist, but since the custom characters mod was released I decided to change them to fit this
-Both characters use the Convict as a base
-Requires: MTG, Custom Characters Mod
Custom Characters Mod
-Stats and Items:
Budget Revolver
3 Coolness
+20% Fire rate
-20% Reload Speed
Has the chance of firing a second bullet
100% chance of looking dissapointed when opening a chest
Yung Cuz
Third Party Controller (infinite)
Budget Revolver
2 Hearts
3 Coolness
+20% Fire Rate
+10% Reload Speed
Runs Slightly Faster
Slightly increased Dodge Roll distance (Spheres can roll)
- Turtlemelons edit
A youtuber and streamer known as "TheTurtleMelon" made a tweak to Y.V. giving him more intricate stats.
Check him out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyxc5m-WDtFSU7r-RVKahrQ
It's recommended to not have both this version and the base version at the same time.
Starts with the Slinger
0.8 accuracy
1.1 Ammo capacity Multiplier
3 coolness
3 curse
0.8 damage
1.2 damage to bosses
0.8 roll distance
Uses the Y.V. shrine effect instead of shadow bullets
1.4 price modifier
2 HP
1.1 projectile speed
1.2 range multiplier
25% higher rate of fire
20% higher reload speed
-To install the Budget Revolver reskin
Place the sprites into Enter the Gungeon/Resources/sprites/WeaponCollection
-To do
Punchout Sprites
Yung Cuz Ghost Sprites
Foyer sprites for Yung Cuz
Foyer Facecards for Y.C.