Ever wanted to play as a floating cat with telekinetic powers? Well now you can.
Beware that while telekinesis makes it convenient to hold guns for a cat it isn't very accurate but atleast it looks cool.
Starting items: Dart gun Smoke bomb Chaos bullets
Stats: MovementSpeed: 8 RateOfFire: 1.5 Accuracy: 2 Health: 3 Coolness: 4 Damage: 1 ProjectileSpeed: 1 AmmoCapacityMultiplier: 1 ReloadSpeed: 0.8 KnockbackMultiplier: 1 Curse: 2 DodgeRollDistanceMultiplier: 1 DodgeRollSpeedMultiplier: 1 MoneyMultiplierFromEnemies: 1.25
NOTICE: to use this mod you need to download https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=24802