Isaac Gamemodes
This mod is works with the Farewell to Arms update
The mod adds three console commands:
- isaac - Replaces your items with: A Tear Jerker with infinite ammo and the "Wrath of the Lamb" synergy, Bomb, and Bloody Eye.
- eden - Randomizes your loadout (starting gun, active item, passive item, and stats like health and damage). Like Paradox mode but more in-depth.
- thelost - Like the high stress challenge all the time. You get one free hit for every room, but the second hit kills you. Health modifiers are nullified.
Known Issues -
- The last two modes are kind of buggy when playing as the Robot, so try to avoid that.
- The Lost mode can behave unpredictably if you pick up health ups (like Master rounds)
- Download Mod the Gungeon at:
- Make sure Enter the Gungeon is closed
- Open ETGMod.Installer.exe and press "Step 3: Install ETGMod"
- Close dat thang
- Go to your Enter the Gungeon Steam directory, usually located at:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Enter the Gungeon\" - If there is not one already, create a folder called "Mods"
- Drag into the Mods folder
- If there is a "mods.txt" file in the Mods folder, delete it
- The directory should look like this: "Enter The Gungeon/Mods/
Open the console with ~ or / to enter commands.
Type help for a list of commands.

Publish Date7 years ago
Last Updated6 years ago
