Update all the stats! Go crazy. Simply use "ms help" to get a list of all the commands, the names should be self explanatory. Currently there are 31 stats you can manipulate.
Now with copy/paste of clipboard. Use the saveclipboard to save the encoded settings to the clipboard and paste it to your friends, also loadclipboard will save the settings into the clipboard for you. no need to pester about finding the file to share.
Added loadclipboard (without arguments) which will load the settings from the clipboard, no need to paste the string.
You can now save your guns, stats, active and passive items! Share with friends by copying and pasting the 64bit encoded string of the json file in the MagicSmokeSaves directory. please use filename.json for your files. When you want to load a settings file, use ms loadsettings <filename> and it will load it for you. Saving is the same. ms savesettings <filename> (you don't need to specify .json in the filename.
Now you can spawn synergy chests! use the command ms spawnsynergy
Want a glitched chest? ms spawnglitched [chest letter/color] ie ms spawnglitched black
Now with dual wield!
ms forcedualwield [gun name]
How to use:
While on a level (not the breach) to get the current speed use:
ms get movespeed
to change the player speed:
ms set movespeed [whole or decimal number] for example: ms set movespeed 15 (or 15.0)
added Magnificence stat: ms setmagnificence [whole or decimal]
More commands!
- ms pollthegungeon - Request from YouTuber Hutts, finds all chests on current floor and spawns 3 additional random chests.
- ms findchests - gives coordinates for all chests currently on the floor (you can teleport to them by using tp <first number> <second number>
- ms addteleporters - adds teleporters to almost all the rooms on the current dungeon
- ms visitallrooms - marks all rooms as visited, makes all visible on minimap
- ms revealrooms - makes all rooms visible (similar to Floor revealed item)