Once upon a time, there was a Lion who had an arrow in its paw, it was the most unforgettable feeling that an animal could get. This time the RAID Gang has received a supply crate full of arrows and pistol crossbows made by Dr.Reinhart and one of his allies that goes by a nickname of ''OVERKILL'', the rest is unknown but since the RAID gang got it for free, what could possibly go wrong? Not like an arrow could get stuck in a kraut's knee.
Installation: Drop the ''Pistol Crossbow'' from the archive to your mod_overrides folder, example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RAID World War II\assets\mod_overrides (you have to make this folder.)
-Custom Model
-Iron Sights Support
-Custom Sound
-Thirdperson Model
Bugs: Due to lack of animation tools and .animation files not being compatible with RAID's bone structure, you'll be still using that vanilla reload of Welrod, i don't really mind it because you flip the weapon and you give the grip a really nice touch.