Before installing please follow these instructions:
- Install QuickBMS.
- Get the TTGames Script and save it.
- Save the BMS script to where you installed QuickBMS.
- Drag the script onto QuickBMS.exe.
- Select one of the .dat files from either game.
- Create a new directory elsewhere on your computer. Use the name of the game you extract as the foldername. Save the files there.
- Wait for everything to extract, then repeat for each file.
- Create a folder called Backup in the gamedirectory and move all .dat files into it.
- Open the folders you extract the files to, and move everything inside into the gamedirectory.
- If a file called __DISC__ exists move it to the backup folder. If you do not do this then the game will simply crash on launch.
- Drop the contents of this mod into the game folder.
- Play to test if everything is correct.
Drop chars and stuff folder into game's root folder.
About 100 characters were added. Here the complete list of all already existing characters with the new ones (or alternative skins) mixed in.
collect "harry" cat 0
collect "harryblueshirt" buy_in_shop 30000 token cat 0
collect "HarryDarkRedSweater" buy_in_shop 32500 token cat 0
collect "HarryDarkBlueJacket" token cat 0
collect "HarryDarkGreyJacket" token cat 0
collect "HarryGreenSweater" token cat 0
collect "HarryLightGreyHoodie" token cat 0
collect "HarryRedShirt" token cat 0
collect "harryhogwarts" buy_in_shop 25000 token cat 0
collect "harrytournament1" buy_in_shop 105000 token cat 0
collect "HarryTournament1Torn" token cat 0
collect "harrytournament2nogills" buy_in_shop 135000 token cat 0
collect "HarryTournament2" token cat 4
collect "harrytournament3" buy_in_shop 110000 token cat 4
collect "HarryQuidditch" buy_in_shop 85000 token cat 4
collect "harrygirl" buy_in_shop 52500 token cat 4
collect "harrydisguised" buy_in_shop 65000 token cat 4
collect "HarrySlytherin" token cat 4
collect "harrypyjamas" buy_in_shop 80000 token cat 4
collect "harrytux" buy_in_shop 80000 token cat 4
collect "hermione" customiser_parts cat 1
collect "hermionehogwarts" buy_in_shop 25000 token cat 1
collect "Hermioneredhoodie" buy_in_shop 85000 token cat 1
collect "Hermioneblueblouse" buy_in_shop 62500 token cat 1
collect "Hermionegreyhoodie" buy_in_shop 57500 token cat 1
collect "Hermionecathead" buy_in_shop 125000 token cat 1
collect "HermioneBallgown" buy_in_shop 125000 token cat 1
collect "ron" cat 2
collect "ronhogwarts" buy_in_shop 25000 token cat 2
collect "Ronpyjamas" buy_in_shop 82500 token cat 2
collect "Ronbluejumper" buy_in_shop 60000 token cat 2
collect "Ronbrownjacket" buy_in_shop 62500 token cat 2
collect "Rondisguised" buy_in_shop 75000 token cat 2
collect "RonSlytherin" token cat 2
collect "Rongirl" buy_in_shop 60000 token cat 2
collect "RonQuidditch" token cat 2
collect "Rontux" buy_in_shop 95000 token cat 2
collect "Ronblackcardigan" buy_in_shop 45000 token cat 2
\ teachers
collect "dumbledore" buy_in_shop 1000000 token cat 3 customiser_parts
collect "dumbledoregrey" buy_in_shop 1000000 token cat 3
collect "mcgonagall" buy_in_shop 200000 token customiser_parts
collect "hagrid" buy_in_shop 50000 token
collect "flitwick" buy_in_shop 70000 token
collect "Snape" buy_in_shop 250000 token customiser_parts
collect "madeyemoody" buy_in_shop 225000 customiser_parts token
collect "BartyCrouchJnrMoody" token
collect "Quirrell" buy_in_shop 150000 token customiser_parts
collect "QuirrellVoldemort" buy_in_shop 155000 token customiser_parts
collect "professorlupin" buy_in_shop 185000 token customiser_parts
collect "ProfessorLupinWerewolf" token customiser_parts
collect "madamhooch" buy_in_shop 50000 token customiser_parts
collect "Lockhart" buy_in_shop 75000 token cat 7
collect "GilderoyLockhart" buy_in_shop 75000 token customiser_parts cat 7
collect "MadamPomfrey" buy_in_shop 45000 token
collect "IrmaPince" buy_in_shop 40000 token
collect "pomonasprout" buy_in_shop 65000 token
collect "professortrelawney" buy_in_shop 100000 token customiser_parts
collect "professorbinns" buy_in_shop 27500 token
collect "professorsinistra" buy_in_shop 30000 token
collect "professorvector" buy_in_shop 25000 token
\ gryffindor
collect "KatieBell" buy_in_shop 25000 token
collect "SeamusFinnegan" buy_in_shop 35000 token
collect "PercyWeasley" buy_in_shop 27500 token cat 8
collect "PercyWeasleygreensweater" buy_in_shop 27500 token cat 8
collect "FredWeasley" buy_in_shop 55000 token cat 9
collect "FredWeasleyQuidditch" buy_in_shop 60000 token cat 9
collect "FredJumper" buy_in_shop 52500 token cat 9
collect "neville" buy_in_shop 55000 token cat 10
collect "nevillepyjamas" buy_in_shop 60000 token cat 10 customiser_parts
collect "GeorgeWeasley" buy_in_shop 55000 token cat 11
collect "GeorgeWeasleyQuidditch" buy_in_shop 60000 token cat 11
collect "GeorgeJumper" buy_in_shop 52500 token cat 11
collect "OliverWoodQuidditch" buy_in_shop 27500 token cat 12
collect "Oliverwood" token cat 12
collect "ginnyweasley" buy_in_shop 75000 token cat 13
collect "ginnygreyhoodie" buy_in_shop 65000 token cat 13
collect "ginnycardigan" buy_in_shop 52500 token cat 13 customiser_parts
collect "colincreevy" buy_in_shop 45000 token
collect "parvatipatil" buy_in_shop 35000 token cat 14
collect "parvatiballgown" buy_in_shop 30000 token cat 14
collect "deanthomas" buy_in_shop 50000 token
collect "AngelinaJohnson" buy_in_shop 17500 token
collect "LeeJordan" buy_in_shop 30000 token
collect "ALICIASPINNET" buy_in_shop 17500 token
collect "FatLady" token
collect "GryffindorPrefect" token cat 15
collect "gryffindorboy" token cat 15
collect "GryffindorBoy2" token cat 15
collect "GryffindorBoy3" token cat 15
collect "gryffindorgirl" token cat 15
collect "GryffindorGirl2" token cat 15
collect "GryffindorGirl3" token cat 15
collect "GryffindorQuidditchBoy" token cat 15
collect "GryffindorQuidditchGirl" token cat 15
\ slytherin
collect "DracoMalfoy" buy_in_shop 125000 token cat 16
collect "DracoQuidditch" buy_in_shop 120000 token cat 16 customiser_parts
collect "DracoBlackSweater" buy_in_shop 85000 token cat 16
collect "DracoHogwarts" buy_in_shop 75000 token cat 16
collect "Crabbe" buy_in_shop 750000 token cat 17
collect "CrabbeJumper" buy_in_shop 60000 token cat 17 customiser_parts
collect "Goyle" buy_in_shop 75000 token cat 18
collect "GoyleJumper" buy_in_shop 60000 token cat 18
collect "MarcusFlint" buy_in_shop 35000 token
collect "MillicentBulstrode" buy_in_shop 27500 token
collect "slytherinprefect" token cat 19
collect "slytherinboy" token cat 19
collect "SlytherinBoy2" token cat 19
collect "SlytherinBoy3" token cat 19
collect "slytheringirl" token cat 19
collect "SlytherinGirl2" token cat 19
collect "SlytherinGirl3" token cat 19
collect "SlytherinQuidditchBoy" token cat 19
collect "SlytherinQuidditchGirl" token cat 19
\ ravenclaw
collect "padmapatil" buy_in_shop 35000 token cat 20
collect "padmaballgown" buy_in_shop 30000 token cat 20 customiser_parts
collect "chochang" buy_in_shop 65000 token
collect "PenelopeClearWater" buy_in_shop 35000 token
collect "ravenclawprefect" token cat 21
collect "ravenclawboy" token cat 21
collect "RavenclawBoy2" token cat 21
collect "RavenclawBoy3" token cat 21
collect "ravenclawgirl" token cat 21
collect "RavenclawGirl2" token cat 21
collect "RavenclawGirl3" token cat 21
collect "Justinfinchfletchley" buy_in_shop 45000 token
collect "cedricdiggory" buy_in_shop 95000 token cat 22
collect "cedrictournament1" buy_in_shop 87500 token cat 22
collect "cedrictournament2" buy_in_shop 90000 token cat 22
collect "cedrictournament3" buy_in_shop 92500 token cat 22 customiser_parts
collect "cedricdarktansweater" buy_in_shop 72500 token cat 22
collect "SusanBones" buy_in_shop 35000 token
collect "ErnieMacMillan" buy_in_shop 40000 token
collect "HannahAbbot" buy_in_shop 37500 token
collect "hufflepuffprefect" token cat 23
collect "hufflepuffboy" token cat 23
collect "HufflepuffBoy2" token cat 23
collect "HufflepuffBoy3" token cat 23
collect "hufflepuffgirl" token cat 23
collect "HufflepuffGirl2" token cat 23
collect "HufflepuffGirl3" token cat 23
\ good guys
collect "ArthurWeasley" buy_in_shop 75000 token
collect "MollyWeasley" buy_in_shop 72500 token
collect "siriusblackprisoner" buy_in_shop 87500 token cat 24 customiser_parts
collect "SiriusBlack" token cat 24
collect "LilyPotterghost" buy_in_shop 65000 token cat 25
collect "LilyPotter" token cat 25
collect "JamesPotterghost" buy_in_shop 65000 token cat 26
collect "JamesPotter" token cat 26
\ bad guys
collect "Voldemortgreen" buy_in_shop 1000000 token cat 27 customiser_parts
collect "Voldemort" token cat 27
collect "Voldemort2010Hood" token cat 27
collect "VoldemortFreeplay" token cat 27
collect "VoldemortPhantom" token cat 27
collect "lucius" buy_in_shop 135000 token customiser_parts cat 28
collect "LuciusCloak" token customiser_parts cat 28
collect "TomRiddle" buy_in_shop 85500 token
collect "peterpettigrew" buy_in_shop 115000 token customiser_parts
collect "IgorKarkaroff" buy_in_shop 65000 token cat 29
collect "IgorPrisoner" token cat 29
collect "BartyCrouchJnr" buy_in_shop 75000 token
collect "deatheater" buy_in_shop 115000 token customiser_parts
\ ghosts
collect "bloodybaron" buy_in_shop 57500 token
collect "fatfriar" buy_in_shop 55000 token
collect "greylady" buy_in_shop 52500 token
collect "NearlyHeadlessNick" buy_in_shop 60000 token customiser_parts
collect "moaningmyrtlefreeplay" buy_in_shop 62500 token cat 30
collect "myrtleswim" buy_in_shop 65000 token cat 30 customiser_parts
collect "Mummy" token
\ creatures
collect "fang" buy_in_shop 50000 token
collect "dobby" buy_in_shop 47500 token
collect "griphook" buy_in_shop 55000 token
collect "Goblin" token
collect "Mandrake" token
\ others
collect "AmosDiggory" buy_in_shop 45000 token
collect "BartyCrouch" buy_in_shop 35000 token customiser_parts
collect "DorisCrockford" buy_in_shop 12500 token
collect "ollivander" buy_in_shop 27500 token
collect "Tom" buy_in_shop 20000 token
collect "Filch" buy_in_shop 45000 token customiser_parts
collect "MadamMalkins" buy_in_shop 10000 token
collect "madamrosmerta" buy_in_shop 15000 token
collect "stanshunpike" buy_in_shop 20000 token
collect "ritaskeeter" buy_in_shop 30000 token customiser_parts
collect "CorneliusFudge" buy_in_shop 35000 token
collect "ernieprang" buy_in_shop 45000 token
collect "executioner" buy_in_shop 37500 token
collect "KnightbusWitch" token
collect "WizardBathtime" token
collect "weirdsisters" token cat 31
collect "weirdsisters2" token cat 31
collect "weirdsisters3" token cat 31
collect "weirdsisters4" token cat 31
collect "genericwizard1" token cat 32
collect "genericwizard2" token cat 32
collect "GenericWizard3" token cat 32
collect "genericwitch1" token cat 33
collect "genericwitch2" token cat 33
collect "GenericWitch3" token cat 33
collect "expensiveGenericWitch1" token cat 34
collect "expensiveGenericWitch2" token cat 34
collect "expensiveGenericWitch3" token cat 34
collect "genericboy01" token cat 35
collect "GenericBoy02" token cat 35
collect "genericgirl01" token cat 36
collect "GenericGirl02" token cat 36
collect "genericwarlock1" token
collect "GenericWizardPink" token
collect "dragonhandler" buy_in_shop 17500 token
collect "tealady" buy_in_shop 15000 token
collect "stationguard" buy_in_shop 17500 token
collect "barman"
\ triwazard
collect "fleurdelacour" buy_in_shop 95000 token cat 6 customiser_parts
collect "fleurtournament1" buy_in_shop 97500 token cat 6
collect "fleurtournament2" buy_in_shop 92500 token cat 6
collect "fleurtournament3" buy_in_shop 90000 token cat 6
collect "viktorshark" buy_in_shop 155000 token cat 5
collect "viktorkrum" buy_in_shop 105000 token cat 5 customiser_parts
collect "viktortournament1" buy_in_shop 95000 token cat 5
collect "viktortournament2" buy_in_shop 95000 token cat 5
collect "ViktorTournament3" token cat 5
collect "viktortux" buy_in_shop 87500 token cat 5
collect "gabrielledelacour" buy_in_shop 65000 token
collect "durmstrangstudent" buy_in_shop 55000 token
collect "BeauxbatonsStudent" token
\ muggles
collect "MargeDursley" token
collect "VernonDursley" buy_in_shop 12500 token cat 40
collect "VernonDursleyPyjamas" token cat 40
collect "PetuniaDursley" buy_in_shop 12500 token
collect "dudley" buy_in_shop 17500 token
collect "milkman" buy_in_shop 15000 token
collect "mrsmason" buy_in_shop 5000 token
collect "mrmason" buy_in_shop 5000 token
collect "BoyTrunks" token
collect "FrankBryce" token
collect "Businessman" token
collect "ConstructionWorker" token
collect "punk" token
collect "soldier" token
collect "tourist" token
\ custard characters
collect "custom_01" cat 42
collect "custom_02" cat 42
collect "custom_03" cat 42
collect "custom_04" cat 42
collect "custom_05" cat 42
collect "custom_06" cat 42
collect "custom_07" cat 42
collect "custom_08" cat 42
collect "custom_09" cat 42
collect "custom_10" cat 42
collect "custom_11" cat 42
collect "custom_12" cat 42
collect "custom_13" cat 42
collect "custom_14" cat 42
collect "custom_15" cat 42
collect "custom_16" cat 42
collect "custom_17" cat 42
collect "custom_18" cat 42
Some Characters have no icons and sometimes the names could be better (for example there is 8 voldemorts but they all look different)