By ijon and Synert
This is a HUD mod for PAYDAY: The Heist that adds a whole bunch of things to the HUD, mostly in the vein of quality of life improvements. It's compatible with all three hooks for PAYDAY: The Heist, so just choose the one that matches the hook you use, or go with the standalone one if you don't use any of them.
DOWNLOAD LINKS (it's faster than clicking a button)
- Standalone: http://jinotra.in/downloads/mods/payday/wtfbm/wtfbm_v1.2.2_standalone.zip
- With DorHUD: http://jinotra.in/downloads/mods/payday/wtfbm/wtfbm_v1.2.2_dorhud.zip
NOTE: DorHUD 1.6 no longer uses the dorhud/ folder, but the mods/ folder instead. Rename the dorhud folder in WTFBM to mods, then proceed with installation normally.
Choose the file that suits your needs, then unzip it directly into your PAYDAY: The Heist folder. That's it. You're done.
Uninstallation is covered in the provided README file, and is slightly different for each version. So go look at that.
- Assault timer. It's not perfect when you aren't the host, and even when you are the host, map scripting can occasionally screw it up (see: No Mercy), but for the most part, it's accurate.
- Enemy counter. While you can't see the reinforce and regroup phases kick in as a client, you can see when the enemies start and stop spawning, which is almost as good.
- Drill timers. Tells you when they're jammed as well.
- Reload timer. Now you'll never put away your GL40 half a second too early.
- Game timer. See how long the game's been running.
- Down counter, replacing your heister's name on the health bar. Good for deciding when to use a medbag charge, and if you're using this HUD, you know who the heisters are, so no loss there.
- Raw HP and armor display. Good for knowing if you can sponge another hit.
- Statistics. The game already keeps track of everything, but WTFBM shows it to you. Your total kills and special kills are shown below the XP bar, as well as your accuracy both overall and with your current weapon.
- When aiming at enemies and friends, you can see how much health they have. Whether it's through your crosshair changing colors or through a health bar popping up below it, you can see their health. It's nice.
- Also, you can change it so that your gun stays by your side when aiming. There isn't any benefit to this; it's pure preference.
- You can change the color of your health and armor display, as well as add an armor bar to it for an easier-to-read representation of your armor.
- The center of your crosshair now has a dot on it. It's available during bleedout as well, making it easier to actually hit things when getting revived. You can also hide the lines on the crosshair, in case the dot's enough. Or just hide both.
- Your teammates now have their level displayed next to their name on the HUD.
- You now hear a heartbeat sound when your armor is broken, because it's easy to miss that and take unneeded health damage.
- You can turn off the hints, because you don't need to be told anymore that YOU'RE HURT GET TO COVER PRESS R TO RELOAD CONTROL THE CIVILIANS and so on.
- You can shut Bain up! Do I need to explain why you want this? You want this.
- And you can skip heist intros, without any of the odd sound issues that other intro-skipping methods use!