Gun Name: "The Ol' One-Two"
Tagline: "Check out the Gun Show!"
Breif Gun Description: "The Ol' One-Two" is, too put it simply... The Manliest of ALL Shotguns. This gun 'Punches the Crap' out of anything within it's short
range with Manly Testosterone pumped Bicups and Fists! Hitting your foes Over and Over in the Face giving em' the Ol' ONE-TWO!
Trust me when i say, you ain't never seen double barrels This Big! or rougishly Handsome for that matter. Who needs a gun...
when you've got THESE GUNS!
Ammo Description: Furthuremore! this gun (Unlike other Guns) doesn't rely on bullets for amunition stock. But the Raw, Delicious Power of Protein!
Thick Hunks of The Finest Meat on The Bone! Bottles of Protein Powder and Supplements! or perhaps just a nice peice of jerky to
send you and your fellow Gungeon chums on your merry way.
Idle: The Gun when idle will simply bob it's shoulders up and down with fists raised like in classic arcade fighter games.
Empty: When a clip is emptied the guns hands will point thumbs down to indicate they need to be reloaded.
Fire: The Gun's main fire uses an Ammo clip of 2 and acts like a double barrel shotgun, firing the first round will cause the left arm to punch outwards
with a mighty blow. The second round will cause the right arm to do the same. both punches will have a 20% percent chance of delivering a low
knockback effect, a 10% chance of Moderate knockback and a 5% chance of High Knockback.
Reload: When Reloading, the guns beefy shoulders will each take turns to shift and role backwards to stretch their beautiful muscles. first the left,
then the right, locking and loading their next round of solid punches.
Charge: When charging the Guns Right arm will draw back whilst the left is splayed out before it. the Right arm whilst charging will appear to be
flashing white until it's fully charged, will take 5 seconds to fully charge. Once charged the drawn back arm will flash blue, as well as
apear to have a bulging vein on its drawn back bicup.
Discharge: When discharging the flashing right arm will thrust forward delivering a power punch with an extended range. The extended range of the discharge
will be displayed as a conical gust of wind/dust that will continue outwards within 3x the length of the guns normal range. Depending on the
distance between an enemy and the Player will determine the amount of damage delt along with a Knockback Effect. A point blank hit from the
Discharging fist will cause 95-85% Damage along with an Extreame knockback, enemies hit by the first range of the power gust will be
dealt 75-65% damage with a High knockback, enemies hit by the second power gust will be dealt 55-45% damage with a moderate knockback and enemies hit
by the third power gust will be dealt 35-25% damage with a low knockback effect. The Discharge Fire will depleat both rounds of ammo and the following
reload will be 40-30% slower.
Final Fire: Apon reaching the end of the clip, the Right Bicup annimation will appear to 'Cramp' after firing. The following annimation will show both arms slacking
and drooping downwards.
Empty Reload: If attempting to reload with no Ammo, the drooping right bicup will cramp whilst the left hand will give a thumbs down indicating the players
pure stupidity for trying to reload a such manly gun with nothing.
And That Good Sir's Is "The Ol' One-Two"! hope it finds you well.