Part of the general set of tools that comes with Kitserver, TIDTool is a simple image-editing Windows tool for Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1-3 and Megadimension Neptunia VII. Despite what the screenshot may indicate, it will work on all four of the main Neptunia games.
Simply drag a TID file onto the executable, and a common graphics file is produced. The kind of file that can be produced can be set by editing the .ini file that comes with the program itself, you may choose between BMP, PNG (which is the default) and TIF. These files may then be used in any Kitserver or Neptools-based project.
Dragging a BMP, TIF or PNG on to TIDTool's executable will convert that into a PC-compatible TID file, which you may place in any modding project as you please.
Some caveats when using this program. The conversion to TID from normal formats is not perfect; the files are somewhat dirtier internally than Compile Heart-produced TID files. While they will run fine on PC, they will be anywhere from x4-x16 larger than professionally produced graphics. Another point is that these TIDs do not run on the PS Vita if you want to mod that platform. Vita compatibly may be possible though, if you hex edit the files.