With Retranslation, say goodbye to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t like Nep Jr. and say hello to the new dialogue that won't make you cringe!
July 6th 2016
Megadimension Update
Updated to v1.422!
MD5: 6AA1AA1C3822D649FA0750457993B77C
If you have an older version, you may want to rename or delete the "KitFolder" directory in your Re;Birth 2 folder.
Extract the contents of the file to where you installed Neptunia Re;Birth 2, for example "Steam\SteamApps\common\Neptunia Re;Birth2"
Simply running NeptuniaReBirth2.exe - either by clicking on it directly or just launching the game through Steam normally - should run the retranslation. If you see any changes to the game's title, or a new font while playing the game, the retranslation is working.
Keep in mind that if you have other custom files such as textures (Clothes for example) inside the Neptools folder, they will show up. It may interact with the KitFolder from Kitserver (used in older releases of this game); as such KitFolder should be renamed or removed.
This translation will not impact your standard Re;Birth 2 game at all, in fact it is applied on top of the default game much like a post-Morrowind Bethesda game mod.
To play with the old text, delete or rename dinput8.dll, a new file added in the directory where NeptuniaReBirth2.exe is located. Alternatively, you may run the game with the "--disable" parameter, which will turn off all new content. (example usage: "NeptuniaReBirth2.exe --disable" through a shortcut)
There may be some spelling or script errors in the game, even with the mod active. If you find any problems, please report them here or the Steam project thread.
Don't bother using English voices, as they will not sync with the retranslation.
Have fun!
July 6th 2016
v1.42-1.422: Simplicity Patch
- Script now TXT files; mod size drastically reduced, game text now easily accessible/editable
- Return to ZIP compression with reduction in mod size
- Neptools launcher updated to better support Pentium 4, Athlon 64/II and Phenom II CPUs; thanks to Shiny
- Potential issue with dinput8.dll not being recognized in main game directory resolved
- Kitserver launcher replaced project's own Neptools launcher
- New launcher allows for mod to start directly from the Re;Birth2 executable or the Steam client
- Stability theoretically improved over Kitserver launcher
- New script additions, including lines too big to use in previous versions
- Dialogue files repacked with custom-made text-editing tool
- New in-game fonts; look nicer, and also allows 33% more text per panel (thanks to ノラネコ)
- Further tightening of the script, the most new corrections over the original script committed since v1.0 (see instructions.txt for more details)
- A few additional bugs noticed after 1.21 was frozen for patching and testing have been fixed
- A few new contributions from ImmaNovice, a fresh member to the team.
- Archive format changed from ZIP to 7z; download now 1/4 the size. Self-extracting EXE provided for people without a 7z extractor.
- A couple dozen dialog bugs and typos fixed.
- Extensive hunting of mispellings, missing punctuation, and the like.
- Corrected some janky phrasing and lines.
- Japanese text in menu fixed
- LAN Castle now renamed to Gathering Castle.
- Typos and empty spaces fixed.
- Minor translation fixes
Q: “How long did it take you to make this?”
A: “About a month's prep, plus another month actually translating. And a few weeks beforehand bouncing around the prospects. So somewhere between 2 to 3 months (no Histy jokes!). Plus all the time maintaining it afterwards...”
Q: “How many people worked on this?”
A: “Pretty much everyone who's listed as an author here, plus a couple others.”
Q: “Are you trying to remove the humor?”
A: “No. In fact in many ways the original script is funnier than what ended up in the official localization...”
Q: “Can I still get achievements using this?”
A: “Yes.”
Q: “So now that you've all deep dived into both the English and Japanese scripts, was R;B2's translation really that bad?”
A: “It was pretty bad. Neptune and Ram's...creative reinterpretations have been fairly well documented by the Neptunia community, but they are by no means the only characters who got knifed by the official translation.
Off the top of my head, IF, Compa, Linda, CFW Magic, Nepgear, Rom, Blanc, even Kei of all people had at least one line that was mangled beyond recognition. In fact some of the above had several spectacular failures. Given that's pretty much half the speaking cast, that's a real problem.”
Q: “But I like meme humor...”
A: “If it gets in the way of the original humor and character personalities, it's gotta go. You can always run the original EXE as opposed to the one that comes with this patch if it's too traumatic.”
Q: “Are you going to re-translate Re;Birth 3?”
A: “Yes.”
Q: “There's something wrong here (like a mis-spelt word, or an incomplete/incorrectly translated line...)”
A: “Give us a heads up about it, it might not get fixed if we don't know about it.”