SuperHot Mod
The first mod made for EtG. Not finished yet.
Make sure that the modloader is installed. Download the v0.1 here :
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- INSTALLATION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
First, reach the game's folder. You can do that manually or you can do it via steam (right click on the game > properties > Local Files).
Now go to EtG_Data and then Managed.
Copy "ModSuperHot.dll" into the "Mods" folder.
Launch The game !
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- USAGE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Just play the game basically.
The game will slow down if you stop moving.
It doesn't speed back up when you shoot or reload for now, will be in a next version.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BUGS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
There's 2 annoying bugs that I need to fix :
- The game will slow down when you enter the gungeon door, making the animation a bit long. Nothing to do about it for you.
- On entering a level, you may not drop down immediatly. If that's the case, pause the game and unpause it. You should drop down after a few seconds.

Publish Date9 years ago
Last Updated9 years ago
