Blaster's Protective Gear
An explosives specialist themed set of cosmectic items for the demoman.
"It won't keep you from blowing yourself up, and it'll make you look great, now it's up to you to decide which of those things are good or bad".
- Paintable Helmet
- 3 lods each
- Team colors
- BP icons
- Replaces a huge variety of items.
- Alien Swarm Parasite
- Bill's Hat
- Cap'n Calamari
- Carousers Capotain
- Hustler's Hallmark
- Demoman's Fro
- Ethereal Hood
- Forgotten Kings Restless Head
- Ghostly Gibus
- Glengarry Bonnet
- Hong Kong Cone
- Horace
- Horrific Headsplitter
- Modest Pile of Hat
- Neckwear Headwear
- Pirate Bandana
- Rimmed Raincatcher
- Robot Chicken
- Scotch Bonnet
- Scotsmans Stove Pipe
- Sober Stuntman
- Spine Chilling Skull (All Styles)
- Stylish DeGroot
- Tartan Tyrolean
- That 70's Chapeau
- The Allbrero
- The Black_Watch
- The BMOC
- The Bolted Bicorne
- The Broadband Bonnet
- The Brotherhood of Arms
- The Brown Bomber
- The Buccaneers Bicorne
- The Company Man
- The Crosslinkers Coil
- The Cyborg Stunt Helmet
- The Dark_Falkirk Helm
- The Ebenezer
- The Fr-0
- The Grenadier Helm
- The Headtakers Hood
- The Human Cannonball
- The Law
- The Manneater
- The MK 50
- The One-Way Ticket
- The Polar Pullover
- The Pure Tin Capotain
- The Squids Lid
- The Stormin Norman
- The Strontium Stove Pipe
- The Tartan Shade
- The Tartan Spartan
- The Tavish DeGroot Experience
- The Voodoo Juju Slight Return
- The Wilson Weave
- Tipped Lid
- Tipper's Tricorne
- Tough Stuff Muffs
- Towering Pillar of Hats
- Voodoo Juju
- Bushi-Dou
- Flair!
- Forgotten Kings Pauldrons
- Guano
- Mann of the Seven Sees
- Mercs Pride Scarf
- Balloonicorn
- Polly Putrid
- Professor's Speks
- Pyrovision Goggles
- Quoth
- Scottish Snarl
- Seeing Double
- The Accursed Apparition
- The Bearded Bombardier
- The Bird-Man of Aberdeen
- The Bolted Bombardier
- The Bruisers Bandanna
- The Cool Breeze
- The Dark Age Defender
- The Eye Catcher
- The Fortune Hunter
- The Gaelic Garb
- The Gaelic Golf Bag
- The Horsemanns Hand-Me-Down
- The Hurt Locher
- The Juggernaut Jacket
- The Liquor Locker
- The Lordly Lapels
- The Menpo
- The Mercs Muffler
- The Mutton Mann
- The Pocket Horsemann
- The Sackcloth Spook
- The Sangu Sleeves
- The Scrumpy Strongbox
- The Tartantaloons
- The Tuxxy
- The Whiskey Bib
- Towering Pillar of Summer Shades
- Unidentified Following Object
- Buck Turner All-Stars
- Highland High Heels
- Pickled Paws
- The Baphomet Trotters
- The Sole Saviors
- The Teufort Tooth Kicker
NOTE: Those mods were created by Corvalho! I (Suijin -▲<) helped him with the SFM arts and he gave me permission to divulge his work!
