Tired of having to click through video after video every time you start the game, only to be greeted by a screen that requires you to press yet another key so you can finally get to the main menu and be productive (mod developers will probably loathe this entire process the most when performing iterative testing)? With this simple mod, you can now go straight to the game's main menu as soon as the game loads up without hitting a single key or mouse button.
"B-B-But intro videos are part of the core experience! D:"
Note that if you have a gamepad connected, this mod will skip all intro videos but pause as usual on the logo screen (as though -skip_intro was specified on the command line). This is because the game determines the preferred input device by the peripheral that is used to skip the logo screen, so skipping past that would disable the use of your gamepad and restrict the game to keyboard input.
- Harfatus' Hook (a.k.a. the original Lua hook) - at least version 3.2.1 (or you will crash)
HoxHud P9.1.7 provides version 3.2.2 of the hook (IPHLPAPI.dll).
Note: Do not use version 3.2.3 (post-Crimefest 2015) as it fails to find the necessary C++ functions.
- Extract the contents of the zip archive to your PD:TH folder (i.e. where payday_win32_release.exe is located). This should create the lib/Lua/ folder structure if it does not already exist.
- That's all, the mod will be active the next time you start the game.
Initial release