How do I extract Payday 3's models and sound files (character dialogue and sound effects)?

SUCCESS! I just got my copy of Payday 3! But that's only step 1 accomplished.

If anyone else has a copy of Payday 3, please let me know how you decompile it's assets. Because Payday 2 uses Diesel Tool and Bundle Modder to decompile the game's assets. So this Payday 3 will be different, I bet.

Please find a strategy and reply ASAP as I feel victory to this game's 3D models is within my reach!


for the models just use umodel, for animations i beleive you need a custom version of umodel thats linked in the gildor thread
gildor thread about payday 3 :
AES key: 0x27DFBADBB537388ACDE27A7C5F3EBC3721AF0AE0A7602D2D7F8A16548F37D394

idk about audio though


Ok, thx. Because you know the Pager Guy, right? Well, so far, I have yet to find a YT video with all his lines. So... I might as well post it myself.

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